Starting from the idea of replacing high-cost fuel-based energy sources with more economical types in Mardaş Port, RTG (Rubber Tire Gantry) cranes were converted from diesel to electric with the project carried out in partnership with BM Makina. We are listening to the details about this important project, which enables the more efficient use of our country’s resources and is carried out with a completely environmentally friendly approach, from Mardaş Port Manager Gökhan Bekircan.
Mardaş Port Manager Gökhan Bekircan: After the conversion from diesel to electricity, we reduced the costs of handling operations by up to 90%. This means that the return on investment period is quite short. Due to the transition to the use of electric energy, the emissions resulting from RTGs converted to electric have decreased to zero. Another gain was the elimination of noise pollution. When we look back, we say we are glad we implemented this project.
Dear Mr. Bekircan, first of all, can we get general information about MARDAŞ Port?
Mardaş Port was established on a total area of 194,224 square meters. Container and general cargo handling is carried out at our port facility. There are 12 shore cranes, 8 RTG (rubber tire cranes) and 22 terminal trucks in our machinery park. There are no restrictions on ships docking at our pier. Our port is one of the fastest ports in Turkey with its ability to move 100-145 containers per hour in ship operations.
What kind of work do you do on energy efficiency and saving at Mardaş Port?
As Mardaş Port Management, we started research and analysis studies to reduce our operational costs and make them more stable. As a result of these studies, we determined that our fuel expenditures have a high share in our costs. Among the reasons for this, we can count the production irregularities caused by political instability in the oil regions and the increase in energy demand of the rapidly growing world giant China. We thought we could get out of this situation by replacing our high-cost fuel-based energy sources with more economical types. The most important opportunity we faced was to convert our Rubber Tire Gantry cranes, which we call RTG, from diesel to electric, and we succeeded in this.
What benefits did the conversion of RTGs from diesel to electricity bring to you?
As Mardaş Port Management, we gave priority to the resources that consume the highest energy. We wanted equipment that consumes less energy to be a plus of this business. Our cost advantage was realized more than we anticipated in the project, resulting in an electricity consumption much lower than our calculations. Port stackers generally make one load and one empty movement. In addition, it is the nature of this business that there is a waiting period for container transfer. If you do all these movements and waiting with electrical energy, you will achieve huge financial gains compared to diesel. All these gains accumulate over time and reach very high amounts. We reduced the costs of handling operations by up to 90% after the conversion from diesel to electricity. Our monthly RTG energy costs, which were previously 40,000 TL, dropped to 3,800 TL. This means that the return on investment period is quite short. When we look back now, we say we are glad we implemented this project. Because, in addition to reducing operational costs, we have also made significant environmental gains.
Due to the transition to the use of electrical energy, the emissions resulting from RTGs converted to electric have decreased to zero. Therefore, air pollution has been completely eliminated.
Another gain was the elimination of noise pollution. There are no longer any negative effects of noise on human health in our port.
In addition to all the positive contributions mentioned, a more positive working environment has been provided in terms of occupational safety. Because while the fuel tanker had to constantly refuel the field, there was no need for this.
Another benefit of the transformation is that since electricity is a technology that disables the diesel engine, engine-related costs have been eliminated. These include no need to use consumables such as engine oil and significantly reduced maintenance costs. In the past, there was no need for RTG oil measurement, which was done at the beginning of each shift and took 10-15 minutes. As it is known, a diesel engine is an engine that requires a lot of maintenance. This maintenance is both frequent and takes longer than with an electric motor. It creates a disadvantage in both respects. Firstly, maintenance costs increase, and secondly, our equipment cannot produce useful work during maintenance. We experienced a significant decrease in the burden of our maintenance staff, and our staff was very relieved. On the other hand, this is a very active port and it is very important that operations are not disrupted. Sometimes we were so stuck that we couldn’t even find time to refuel. However, an electric machine means a machine that is activated when you press the button, maintenance is never a problem and it always does useful work. It is a blessing for places with intense operations like ours. We are very happy about all this.
How was this project born, Mr. Gökhan?
This project was born with the suggestion of Mr. Mehmet Bebek, the owner of BM Makina company. They came here, examined, and matured their projects and added content to them.
How long did your energy saving and efficiency improvement project take, Mr. Gökhan?
The Mardaş RTG project was completed within three months after its approval. This period covered the project creation, equipment supply, construction activity and final assembly stages. Considering our Mardaş terminal area, we believe that this can be considered quite short. The longest time was spent on laying the bars.
Can we get information about BM Makina, your partner in this transformation process?
BM Makina has a staff of valuable experts. They made a very important contribution to the smooth completion of the transformation process. They also managed very well to get the support they needed during the project from the German Vahle company they represent. Bizim Vahle and BM Makina employees showed very good harmony. They showed a flexible working style and did not cause any loss of time by doing tasks that would not hinder the operation during busy periods. BM Makina team was truly solution oriented. In this way, they easily overcame the difficulties encountered.
What difficulties were these?
Although Mardaş port seems flat, it is not. It descends to the sea with a six percent slope. Therefore, the busbars that will feed the RTGs had to be placed with this slope, which is not an easy process. The fact that they have successfully completed this process is an example of a challenge overcome. We also had operational fears; There was a possibility that our RTGs would slow down. This did not happen either, we are very pleased.
If RTGs lose their locations, can their connections with the busbar be cut off? Is this a possibility?
RTGs are monitored from satellite with the GPRS system and their positions are kept as they should be. In addition, they are flexible enough to not be easily separated from the busbar in case of any deviation.
Have you made a maintenance agreement?
We have not signed a long-term contract, but we know that BM Makina employees will be with us whenever we need it. In addition, BM Makina keeps a high stock of spare parts and can deliver them in a very short time. All these are very valuable features for us. We already knew that they were a very good partner, we proved them by testing them during and after the project. We thank them very much.
As ST Electric Energy Magazine, we hope that this project, which is a first in Turkey, will be taken as an example. This also helps reduce our fuel expenses, which constitute a significant part of our current account deficit. We congratulate Mardaş Port management for carrying out this project, and we also express our sincere gratitude to BM Makina and its esteemed General Manager, Mr. Mehmet Bebek, for their contributions to the project.